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Sun Directed

How residents, businesses, and local government have embraced solar power in Centre County

The Centre Daily Times posted a great article on how solar is benefiting our Centre County community. Several Sun Directed clients and their solar arrays are featured!

As the cost of electricity continues to rise in Pennsylvania, solar is a reliable way to lower your carbon footprint as well as your utility bill. Commissioner Mark Higgins wants Centre County citizens to know that if they own house or commercial property for 7+ years after going solar, their solar energy system may pay them back for the cost of installation. Not only that, As Henry McKay, Pennsylvania director for Solar United Neighbors, points out in the article, a solar energy system adds value to your house. Depending on the size of a solar array and energy consumption, solar consumers may also be able to regularly sell the extra energy they generate back to the utlities in exchange for a credit on their utility bill.

Read more here


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